I owe this story to Christiane, who changed my life.

A farmer owns a horse to plough his farmland. One day, it's suddenly dead. All the people in the village said "How terrible". He only answers "It will show...". All the people in the village admired him for his calmness and they gave him a horse and said: "He is a lucky man, he's got a horse again!" He only answers "It will show...". Some days later, the horse jumped over a fence and vanished. All the people in the village said "How terrible". He only answers "It will show...". Only one week later the horse came back, followed by a dozen wild horses. All the people in the village said: "He is a lucky man, he's got more horses than he needs!". 

Now, what may he have said ??? 

"It will show...". Again, some days passed, and because they had more horses than they needed, the farmer's son had a ride with one of the horses.Unfortunately he fell off and broke his leg. All the people in the village said "How terrible, the poor boy". The farmer only said: "It will show...". A few days later, soldiers came to the village and took all young men with them to fight in war.  They left the son with the broken leg there because they had no use for him. All the people in the village said: "He is a lucky man, he has still his son with him. 

Of course he said: "It will show...". 

And what's the lesson for us ? Some things show bad and are good in reality, and some things show good and are bad in reality.

Who fights may loose.
Who gives up has allready lost.

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